You can’t control everything. That’s one of the hardest lessons for some people to learn. The best you can do is manage what you can and then be prepared to deal with rest.
When you’re inflexible, the unexpected can get the better of you. That’s because you’re not willing to alter your perspective to adapt to changing conditions. And conditions will always change. To realize your goals it’s sometimes necessary to accept that the path forward might not be the one you expected.
But this means getting out of your comfort zone — looking at situations in novel ways, ways you might not be comfortable with immediately. A mentoring relationship is a great way to accomplish this. It gives you someone to lean on and a knowledgeable outside perspective that can help you question and revise your own.
It’s fine to return to your comfort zone sometimes when you need a break. But to make things happen for yourself you need to be ready to head for the exit. That door is the first step on your path to success.