What gets in the way of your goals?

Section 2 : Don’t believe the things you say about yourself


That small voice in the back of your head? It’s not always very nice. It questions your motives, devalues your contributions, and needles you with doubts. It tells you that you’re not good enough and that you don’t deserve the things you’re striving for. It’s always there and it can be very persuasive.

So don’t listen. Thank it for its concern and then ignore its unending stream of negativity. Because what it’s saying isn’t true. Self-doubt is just another face of the fear of failure. But failure needn’t be feared. Failure is just one possible outcome. There are plenty of other positive outcomes that action can bring. And failure is just an opportunity to try again.Giving in to your fear of failure will prevent you from ever taking a risk and can leave you stagnant.


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