There are no mistakes - only lessons

Section 2 : How you can be at peace with missteps


To be free from the fear of failure, you have to understand that mistakes will still happen. There’s absolutely nothing you can do to ensure your life will be perfect. Rather, you can learn to celebrate mistakes. Believe there are no mistakes, but rather opportunities for growth. To do this, you can:

  • Choose to Believe: Retrain your brain. Choose to believe that mistakes are opportunities for growth and are essential for learning.

  • Own Your Mistakes: You don’t need to be embarrassed when you make a mistake. If you said something hurtful, own it. Admit you did something wrong: first to yourself, then to the person you offended. Take responsibility.

  • Be Curious: When you open up a discussion about the mistake, stay open and honest. Be curious about the consequences of your actions. Be invested in what happened in your relationship.

Once you learn how to be okay with mistakes and failure, it’s much easier to dive headfirst into the unknown. That’s where you’ll find your best relationships, job opportunities, and security.


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