Deciding which company is right for you

Section 4 : Did the interview fit your expectations?


You can learn a lot about a company based on the way they conduct interviews. A haphazard, sloppy process could indicate that the company has loose management values. If you’re interviewing with a large company, that could be a red flag. Poor HR practices from an established organization could be a symptom of deeper issues.

On the other hand, a small company with a casual work atmosphere might favor loose interviews on purpose. What’s important is that it feels appropriate for the position.

Pay attention to the questions they ask as well. If the interviewer focuses entirely on the company’s needs and never touches on what you can derive from the position, you might end up a faceless, replaceable cog. Are they transparent or evasive when you ask them questions? Trust your gut. If you get a bad feeling from your interview, look elsewhere.


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