Scholar Mentoring & Development Program for Biotechnology (SMDP Biotech)

Purpose & Responsibilities
The International Center for Professional Development, in partnership with biotechnology and consumer healthcare industry sponsors, will host a training session for the 2025 Scholar Mentoring & Development Program for Biotechnology, (SMDP Biotech).

The year-long mentoring program brings together economically disadvandateged students (Baccalaureate, Master, PhD or PostDoc) and early career researchers for a professional development training experience June 14-19, 2025. SMDP Biotech Scholars will be paired with industry mentors from biotechnology and consumer healthcare companies. In 2025, each Scholar/Mentor team will be provided the opportunity to attend The BIO International Convention. They work together for one year after the training session to carry out a personalized mentoring plan that helps prepare the SMDP Biotech Scholars for careers in industry.

The Outreach & Planning Committee is responsible for:

  • Raising awareness of the Scholar Mentoring & Development Program for Biotechnology (SMDP Biotech)
  • Planning the SMDP Biotech training session
  • Developing a timeline for all Scholar and Mentor activities
  • Identifying and providing suggestions for program content
  • Recruiting SMDP Biotech Scholars and Mentors
  • Suggesting and recommending speakers
  • Providing oversight for Scholar selection
  • Inviting special guests to attend and participate in the SMDP Biotech training session
  • Promoting the “Annual Celebration of SMDP Biotech” reception by inviting guests to attend
  • Program evaluation and reporting results to sponsor companies and to the public

Who serves on this Committee?

  • A designated chairperson
  • Up to two staff representatives from each program sponsor organization
  • Key regional stakeholders from collaborating organizations where the training session will occur, such as universities, associations, government agencies
  • Former SMDP Biotech Scholars
  • Elisabeth Valerio, President/CEO, ICPD
  • Scott May, Executive Director, Executive Director, ICPD
  • Dustie Savage, Program Director, ICPD
  • Dayveon Cooper, Outreach Coordinator, ICPD

want to know more?
email Elisabeth Valerio: or Scott May:
you may also call: 951 599-4956

Thanks to our sponsors

AstraZeneca Kenvue Pfizer Merck Lilly Incyte Amgen
Genentech Moderna BIO The MedTech Conference ICPD
BMS EMD Serono MilliporeSigma Stryker Edwards Lifesciences
FluidAI Propel Careers Sana IGM 23andMe Cohesys B. Braun Medical, Inc.