
Section 2 : Values, emotion and action or inaction


Storytelling is a way to share and learn ideas, values and practices. Storytellers remember something of their life or of the life of others; the listeners can relate to the story and retell it, maybe adding a little of their own experience. Thus, stories bring people together. Stories offer a connection between a past that is told, the present and the future, and help to connect people around feelings, information and shared experiences.

With a story, we can express our values not as abstract ideas, but as lived experience. This is what gives us the power to move others. Values inspire action through emotion. We experience values emotionally and that is what actually move us to act.

Some emotions such as apathy, fear or self-doubt will inhibit action. While other emotions, such as hope, anger and solidarity will move the listener to act. Your story can also help your listeners to overcome emotions that inhibit them from action.

What stories were told to you as a new employee of your company or academic institution? Did these stories create an impression of the company or institution in your mind? Why?


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