The standard advice is to choose a positive attribute and spin it to sound negative. For example, you might tell your interviewer that you work too hard or that you’re too much of a perfectionist.
The rationale seems sound. You don’t want to express something you’re bad at, so you make a desirable trait seem unworthy. But in truth, this sort of answer insults your interviewer’s intelligence and violates their desire for honesty.
Everyone has faults — genuine faults. If you don’t, you’re not human. When you dress up a positive trait as a negative one, you’re dishonest about your weaknesses. You’re pretending you don’t have any, and your interviewer will see right through the ploy.
Instead, review the job requirements before your interview and select a few legitimate weaknesses that don’t directly impact the position. That way, you can give an honest answer without degrading your qualifications.