The most frustrating aspect of difficult situations is the feeling of helplessness that often comes with them. Focusing on what you can control, rather than what you can’t, will greatly help you maintain a positive attitude. Identify the areas where you have influence, no matter how small and take action there.
For example, if you're facing a challenging work environment, focus on how you can improve your own performance or manage your stress levels. If you're dealing with personal issues, concentrate on finding healthy coping mechanisms like exercise, journaling, or speaking with a trusted friend or mentor. Directing your energy toward the things you can change, will make you feel more empowered and less overwhelmed by the negativity around you.
Taking small steps towards resolving your issues helps shift your mindset from one of victimhood to one of agency. You may not be able to fix everything immediately, but by focusing on what’s within your control, you’ll be able to keep moving forward despite the obstacles in your way.