We've all heard people say, "If you don't take a shot, you'll never score." While this sentiment resonates deeply with us all, we acknowledge that in practice, summoning the courage to act is often easier said than done. That's why it's crucial to cultivate a mindset of persistence. Progress often lies beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones, requiring us to have the fortitude to venture into the unknown. Through persistence, we not only acknowledge the truth in the saying but also actively work towards embodying it. We learn to assess risks thoughtfully, understanding that calculated leaps of faith are often necessary to drive us towards our goals. This courage to embrace the unknown distinguishes those who merely dream from those who dare to chase their aspirations relentlessly. As we persist in our endeavours, we not only push past challenges but also harness the bravery to grab opportunities that lie on the fringes of familiarity, paving the way for personal and professional advancement.