Imposter syndrome is a good sign

Section 1 : The discomfort of growth


Imposter syndrome thrives in moments of transition. New roles, big challenges, unfamiliar environments and so on. It shows up whenever we’re at the edge of our competence. But isn’t that where growth happens? If you never feel like an imposter, it might mean you’re playing too small, staying in places where you’re already an expert rather than daring to step into new opportunities.

Of course, nobody enjoys feeling out of their depth. But the alternative is never feeling like an imposter which probably means you’re never pushing yourself. Instead of fearing it, what if we recognized imposter syndrome as a natural part of the learning curve? It’s not a stop sign. It’s proof that you’re on the road to something greater. Something you’ve prepared for and are probably great at.

Confidence doesn’t come from waiting until you no longer feel doubt. It comes from taking action in spite of it. Every accomplished person has faced moments of self-doubt, but they didn’t let it stop them. So the next time imposter syndrome appears, take it as a sign that you’re exactly where you need to be.


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