How to bounce back from burnout

Section 3 : Rebuilding your energy ecosystem


Recovery requires a holistic approach to refilling your energy reserves - mentally, emotionally and physically. Start by conducting an energy audit: map out tasks, activities or even work relationships that energize you versus those that drain you. Strategically prioritize what fuels you while minimizing or delegating the draining elements.

Next, focus on high-value rest. Rest is more about intentionally choosing activities that restore specific energy types than just about sleep or inactivity. For example, creative rest might involve exploring a hobby or enjoying art, while emotional rest could mean leaning into trusted relationships for support and connection. Tailoring your rest to your specific needs can help you recharge more effectively.

Finally, tend to your environment. The spaces and people around you play a big role in shaping how you feel. Whether it’s decluttering your workspace, creating a calming corner in your home or office, or surrounding yourself with uplifting individuals, an intentional environment can inspire calm, positivity and renewal.


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