Jade Avery
PhD Candidate | SMDP Scho...
Morehouse School of Medicine
Jasmine Baker
SMDP Scholar/ Postdoctora...
Baylor College of Medicine
David de la Cerda
SMDP Alumni | Data Scient...
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Zerick Dunbar
Immunology Doctoral Candi...
Meharry Medical College, School of Graduate Studies
Mary Figueroa
Life Science Consultant
Fenix Group International, LLC
Kafi Friday
PostDoctoral Fellow | Pha...
Howard University
Sonia Garcia
Molecular Medicine, Cance...
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Jasmine George
RISE Scholar & SMDP Schol...
Morehouse School of Medicine
Luis Hevia
SMDP Scholar
Tennessee Technological University
Linsey Jackson
SMDP Scholar
Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Kelsey Johnson
Scientist, Preclinical To...
Johnson and Johnson Innovative Medicine
Kenji Johnson
SMDP Scholar
Johns Hopkins University Department of Neuros
Jacqunae Mays
SMDP Scholar, Neuroscienc...
Baylor College of Medicine
Vivan Ramirez
SMDP Scholar/ Ph.D Pre-ca...
University of Michigan
Isaac Scott
SMDP Scholar
Texas Tech University HSC Dept. Cellular Phys
Imani Stone
SMDP Scholar
Rochester Institute of Technology
Janet Zayas
SMDP Scholar & Post Docto...
Rush University