Your career shouldn’t be your identity

Section 1 : Work is what you do, not who you are


Many people introduce themselves by their job titles. 'I’m a researcher,' 'I’m an engineer,' 'I’m a biotechnologist.' But you are not just your profession. You are a person who happens to work in that field. The problem with equating identity with career is that it leaves little room for anything else. It can make work feel like the sole measure of worth, which means any job loss, career change, or underperformance becomes more than just a professional issue. It becomes a personal crisis.

If work is the only thing that defines you, then what happens when you retire, change careers, or take a break? Do you cease to be valuable? Of course not. Your identity is made up of your values, passions, relationships and the things that bring you joy outside of work. The most fulfilled people are those who see their careers as part of their lives, not the entire purpose of their existence.

Success at work is great, but it’s not the only success that matters. A job is something you do, not the sum total of your identity. Your interests, hobbies, friendships and the way you contribute to the world outside of work all play a role in defining who you are.


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