Your habits define your future

What are your habits?

A habit is an action that we repeat often and may even do without thinking about it. It can be positive or negative, but they define the way we live our everyday lives. Think about what you do every day and what you want to become. Are your habits in alignment with your goals?

For example, if you want to be more athletic, you will want to have good daily habits of eating healthy, working out, sleeping enough at night. Essentially, you'd align your practices with the person you want to be. However, if you eat junk food, skip workouts, and stay up late, you're not going to achieve the same level of results you could with good habits.

Find replacements to your bad habits
We all have habits we want to replace. To figure out which ones you might want to change, write down what your everyday looks like, from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep. What things do you do during the day that don't make sense for what you want out of life? You'll need to take the time to find replacements for those habits to start making the change you want to see.

For example, when you looked at your daily habits, you notice you spend about two or three hours scrolling through social media. It's clear that your social media habits take away from your bigger goals. Instead of spending that time on social media, maybe you spend intervals on your goals and reward yourself with 5-minute social media breaks.

By making a conscious change to your bad habits, you'll find yourself making progress towards your goals and becoming the person you want to be.

Changing habits takes time
When you try to change your habits, you may notice it's difficult to get the hang of at first. This is a process, so be patient with yourself and don't expect perfection right away. You might find yourself slipping back into bad habits. The important part is to recognize it happened and try again moving forward. Try not to compare your journey with others - we're all on our own path!

Start making the changes you want to see in yourself by looking at your habits and realizing how they impact your daily life.


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