Becoming the very best version of you


Each of us has different strengths, talents, and passions. One goal of a mentoring relationship is to discover where these lie, nurture them and help them blossom to their full potential - in the process, becoming the best version of you.


When an athlete wants to improve their game, they turn to their coach. Their coach isn’t necessarily more talented than they are - in fact, most often, they aren’t. What they offer is a skilled, unbiased external perspective. Coaches can see issues in their athletes’ performance that are invisible to them. They can help them break destructive patterns that might otherwise escape their notice. Coaches help their charges learn what they don’t know that they don’t know.

Mentorships offer a similar opportunity. Mentors aid you in discovering where your potential lies and what you need to do to realize it. They help mentees examine their choices and the thought processes that lead to them. Mentees explore their motivations, drives, fears, and dreams, reinforcing positive behaviors while improving weaknesses. Through a balance of active listening, honest self-reflection, and targeted goal setting, mentorships help mentees be the best versions of themselves.