Share your progress, not just your goals


Sharing your progress not only helps you stay motivated, but it inspires those around you. Focus on the journey and how you can grow. Give yourself the satisfaction of celebrating your small wins. Stay encouraged create a more positive experience for you and for everyone who joins you on your journey.


When you set your mind on a goal, it might feel like all you think about and talk about is your goal. In the beginning, this can be exciting! You start out working on something amazing that you can share with those around you. However, it is important not to get caught up on the goal. After all, your journey to achieving your goals is just as important as achieving your goal.  Here are some reasons you should share your progress, not just talk about your goals.

Celebrate the small wins: Have you ever felt discouragement when trying to accomplish a big project? There is wisdom to breaking your goal down into small manageable action items. That’s why you should focus on progress and give yourself the satisfaction of celebrating the small wins. It will keep you encouraged and motivated. It also create a more positive experience for you and for everyone who joins you on your journey.

Become process oriented: You will face challenges but when you’re progress oriented, you won’t lose sight of what you need to do to get through. Focusing on sharing your progress, embrace the process and be find satisfaction in your growth.

Inspire others: The people you surround yourself with will be motivated by your journey. Being vulnerable with the people who you trust the most and even those who need some inspiration can be powerful! Without meaning to, your journey might be what gives others the motivation they need to pursue their own goals. 

Share your experiences with trusted friends: Besides sharing your experiences, you may want to identify friends who are also working on goals. This gives you a circle of people to talk with about your experiences. Sharing you the process including setbacks and lessons learned is important and helps to overcome your challenges instead of becoming discouraged. 

Learn more about yourself: We can learn a lot about ourselves when we are in the middle of overcoming a challenge. Sharing your experiences can open your eyes to traits and strengths you never saw in yourself.