Preparing for job interviews


Have you expanded your professional circle? How does your LinkedIn profile look? How about Facebook? Is your contact list growing as well? As you prepare for job interviews, you should already have completed a number of tasks to get yourself in ready.


Okay, breathe and try to relax.  No, really, this isn’t as difficult as you might think it is. Often times people regard job interviews as the hardest part of the job search process, but with the proper preparation and work, it should be the easiest.  A job interview isn’t a pop quiz, you already have all the answers your future employer is looking for, so there’s no need to panic.  You’ve spent time polishing your resume and researching the companies, now it’s time for you to walk in (or Zoom in) and knock some socks off!  

Now is the time to condense your list of talents into a short two minute “pitch” meant to showcase you!  Practice your mini commercial with your mentor and ask them for their feedback. While you’re at it, go through your wardrobe and make sure that you have interview appropriate clothing.  Now take another deep breath and shake off those nerves. You’re more than ready!