About your biggest weaknesses


Job applicants often find it challenging to discuss their weaknesses during an interview, but the situation isn’t as difficult as you might think. You simply need to recognize what the interviewer is really after with this dreaded question and then answer it as honestly as you can. This article will tell you everything you need to know.


Describing your biggest weakness is one of the most feared and potentially treacherous questions applicants can face during a job interview. The idea that you should share damaging information about yourself in a forum where you’re supposed to be extolling your virtues feels uncomfortably incongruous to people. They’re scared to reveal something negative about themselves that might prejudice the interviewer against them.

But the truth is that there’s a deeper purpose to this question, and when you answer with that perspective in mind, you’ll demonstrate the exact qualities your interviewer is looking for. Specifically, they want an answer that demonstrates self-awareness, honesty, and a desire to improve.