Grit is the perseverance exhibited in a bid to achieve a goal or an idea. In order to succeed in what you have set out to do, you need to not only be passionate, but to have a plan and the commitment to achieve your goal. Grit is what gives you the ability to continue press on despite difficulties and setbacks. It is what distinguishes failure from success.
Be a problem solver: The reason many fail is because they aim for quick results. However, most of the successful leaders today saw a gap or a problem and commit themselves to the process of solving the problem. If you are an innovator looking for a ways to solve problems affecting others, there is a very huge opportunity for your growth.
Do the right thing: So many ambitious individuals fail because they start on a foundation of talent, or skills and expect that this will work for them without putting in extra effort. One thing to know is that successful people have failed many times, but they continue to rise each time they fall. Failure is like your engine oil. It keeps you going. This is because every failing opportunity presents a lesson that if well learnt, will create opportunities for new strategy creation. You must be willing to learn from your past mistakes and objectively reevaluate your situation or yourself so as to know what works and what doesn’t.
Persistence is the way to go: What happens when you start with an idea you thought was brilliant but then everything you try seems to fail? You start over again, and what’s better, you now know the mistakes you made, the challenges you encountered and you have more knowledge and experience to make a better decision. A person with talent, or knowledge will easily give up at this point. However, a person who hangs on to the idea will do everything they can to make it work. This is grit!
Be focused: You need to evaluate yourself and see why you want to solve the problem or ocme up with the solution in the first place. This way, no matter the challenges and the number of times you fail, you will still find ways to navigate and make progress. The difference between an aspiring leader and a successful leader is not only the passion, but the perseverance that one exhibits in the field, not just for the short term goals - but also for long term.
Celebrate your victories: Every successful athlete, scholar, scientist etc. is a product of discipline, endurance, resilience, focus, humility and most importantly, passion and perseverance. Whenever you achieve something in your field, always treat it as a success, and learn to appreciate yourself as well as the people that have helped to make it happen.