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SMDP Medtech 2025 Scholar Application

The medical technology and consumer healthcare industries produce a wide range of health care products used to diagnose, monitor or treat diseases or medical conditions. MedTech products range from miniature robots capable of performing complex spinal surgery to light-activated drugs that target diseased cells. The growing number of discoveries and advances in the medical technology and consumer healthcare industries have created a variety of job functions with tremendous potential for career advancement.  Jobs at medical technology and consumer healthcare companies generally require a bachelor's degree. Disciplines and skills in demand across these sectors include, but are not limited to:  

  • Biomechanical Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineering

  • Computational Modeling, Simulation and Data Analytics, Data Engineering

  • Computer Science 
  • Electrical Engineering

  • Electromechanical Engineering

  • Transplantation

  • Companion Diagnostics

  • Human Factors/UI/UX
  • Materials Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering

  • Optical Engineering
  • Orthopaedic, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering

  • Packaging Engineering

  • Process Design Engineering 

  • Robotics
  • Sensing
  • Software Engineering

To Apply for SMDP MedTech 2025

  1. Complete this application form by April 4, 2025
  2. Attach the following documents:
    - Your resume - Please include Education, Technical Skills, Relevant Experiance and Accomplishments, Leadership and List of Publications if any

    - Two letters of recommendation: (1) one from a faculty member in your field of study and (2) one from your faculty advisor or PI. Note: If they prefer to send recommendation letters directly, they can email them to Dustielyn Savage at
    - A personal narrative

    NOTE: The personal narrative should be no more than two pages, single spaced.  Describe how you think SMDP MedTech will enhance your education and professional development. Also include your long-term career goals, academic goals, leadership experience and research focus. Lastly, discuss how an industry mentor will impact your career. 

Applicant Information

YES means you do not require any additional visa assistance
(Required) If you select Other - Please enter your ethnicity in the following field

About Your Advisor

Attach Documents Only PDF files should be uploaded or you will not be able to submit this form.

In your resume, please include:
- Education
- Technical Skills
- Publications if any
- Relevant Experience and Accomplishments, Leadership